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Nikita Khokhlov
Nikita Khokhlov

Xampp-win64-1.7.3 Free Download

XAMPP-Win64-1.7.3: A Free and Easy Way to Set Up a Web Server

If you are looking for a simple and convenient way to install and run a web server on your Windows 64-bit system, you might want to consider XAMPP-Win64-1.7.3. This is a free and open source software package that contains Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl, and other useful tools for web development. You can download it from SourceForge or Apache Friends .

XAMPP-Win64-1.7.3 is very easy to install and use. You just need to run the executable file and follow the instructions on the screen. You can also choose to install it as a zip file and extract it to any location you want. Once installed, you can start and stop the web server, MySQL database, and other services from the XAMPP control panel. You can also access phpMyAdmin, a web-based tool for managing MySQL databases, from your browser.

xampp-win64-1.7.3 free download

XAMPP-Win64-1.7.3 is designed for testing and development purposes only. It is not intended for production use, as it may have some security issues that need to be fixed before deploying it online. However, it is a great way to learn and practice web programming skills without having to configure and maintain a complex web server environment.

XAMPP-Win64-1.7.3 has many features that make it a useful and versatile web server package. Some of them are:

  • It supports Apache 2.2.14, MySQL 5.1.41, PHP 5.3.1, Perl 5.10.1, and other components.

  • It includes popular PHP frameworks such as Zend Framework, Symfony, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, and Smarty.

  • It includes popular PHP applications such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Moodle, MediaWiki, and phpBB.

  • It includes popular Perl modules such as DBI, DBD::mysql, CGI::Session, GD, XML::Parser, LWP, and Net::SMTP.

  • It includes popular development tools such as Eclipse PDT, NetBeans IDE, Notepad++, FileZilla FTP client, and Mercury Mail server.

If you want to learn more about XAMPP-Win64-1.7.3, you can visit its official website at Apache Friends or its project page at SourceForge . You can also find helpful tutorials and guides on how to use XAMPP-Win64-1.7.3 on various websites and blogs online.In this article, we have introduced XAMPP-Win64-1.7.3, a free and easy way to set up a web server on your Windows 64-bit system. We have explained what XAMPP-Win64-1.7.3 is, how to install and use it, and what features it offers. We have also provided some links where you can download it and learn more about it.

Now that you have XAMPP-Win64-1.7.3 installed on your system, you can start creating and testing your own web applications using Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl, and other tools. You can also explore the various PHP frameworks and applications that are included in the package and see how they work. You can also customize and configure XAMPP-Win64-1.7.3 to suit your needs and preferences.

XAMPP-Win64-1.7.3 is a great tool for web developers who want to save time and effort in setting up a web server environment. It is also a great tool for web enthusiasts who want to learn and practice web programming skills without having to worry about the technical details of the web server. XAMPP-Win64-1.7.3 is a simple and convenient solution for web development on Windows 64-bit systems. 06063cd7f5


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